Commercial Pilot Virtual Ground School


The Commercial Pilot Virtual Ground School from The Flight School at Colorado Springs is a survey course for those seeking an FAA Commercial Pilot Certificate. The course covers all topics and information covered on the FAA Commercial – Airplane written and oral exams.


Learn from a professional instructor without ever leaving home. Our Instrument Rating Virtual Ground School is a prerequisite to those training for an instrument rating with The Flight School at Colorado Springs.

Hosted via evening video conference for two weeks, twelve two to three hour sessions cover everything you need to know to become an instrument pilot, including:

  • Instrument Rating Privileges and Responsibilities
  • Instrument Aeronautical Decision Making (ADM)
  • Aircraft Systems Related to Icing and flying in IMC
  • Instrument Weather & Weather Sources
  • Instrument Flight Planning
  • Instrument Flight Rules
  • Instrument Routing & Approaches
  • Navigation, Charts & Navigational Aids
  • Federal Aviation Regulations related to IFR
  • and more!

Required Materials:

  • Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge*
  • FAR/AIM*
  • Instrument Flying Handbook*
  • iPad or iPhone with Foreflight Subscription (optional, if paper planning is preferred)
  • If paper planning is preferred: 
    • Instrument World Low Charts
    • FAA Chart Supplements

*Please note: Use of digital textbooks is perfectly acceptable. You may access digital copies of all FAA Documents, including these textbooks, via the FAA’s website.

Additional Recommended Reading:

  • Airplane Flying Handbook